Novels:ÂFalling Prey To Love |ÂUnmasked Mission
Release Dates: Sept & Oct, 2023
About the Author:ÂEdidiong Andrew Robert is a young creative lady who loves delving into the world of imagination. Her love for novels and writing led her to create captivating, intriguing stories that leave readers tensed and intrigued by her characters. She is a medical student, still in college.

Q & A
How does it feel to have this story published for the first time?

It feels so good. It might not be much for certain people but It feels like a strong feat to achieve.

What inspired the idea for your story?

My love for smart CIA, FBI and SEAL agents inspired my stories.
For the Sci-fi novel, my inspiration came from my love and curiosity for andriod, space exploration and artificial intelligence

We know that writing can be a tumultuous journey with a lot of obstacles, what is your kryptonite as a writer?

Writer’s block. That’s every writer’s nightmare.

Tell us about your favorite author. What about their book(s) call to you and how do they inspire your own writing?

My favourite author is Nora Roberts. She has been my muse right from high school. Several of her books have inspired me. I love her voice.
One of my greatest wish is to have a coffee with her. Smiles.

Clearly, you’ve succeeded at writing a captivating story for GrendelPress, but we all start somewhere. What advice would you give yourself as a young writer?

I can only say this: keep writing young lady, every successful journey started with a step. You’re gonna be one of the best authors if you keep writing. Don’t give up. Share your story with the world.

What do you love most about your story’s genre?

It’s the challenges my characters faces on a daily basis, the perspective to which the challenges are recieved and how they overcome each obstacles.

What are some other genres you’d like to break into and why?

I have always love reading fantasy novels, moreover I have a drafted outline to write a new fantasy novel.
It will be fun.

If you had to pick another story of yours to share with your readers, what would it be?

Falling Prey To Love, a romantic novel.