Sulwyn’s journey from The Blood Princess and coming into The Corrupted Prince is a captivating tale of struggle, growth, and transformation. During an interview with S.A. Gonsalves, we had the chance to delve into her character evolution and explore some of the many facets that define her evolution in this dark fantasy saga and make Sulwyn such an amazing character.

Q: As Sulwyn transitions from the first to the second book, what were the most significant changes you wanted to highlight in her character?

The Flawed Savior

Sulwyn enters the story as The Blood Princess, a title that carries immense weight and expectation. She is seen as a savior, yet she is riddled with self-doubt and uncertainty. Her perceived destiny clashes with her understanding of herself, creating a deeply flawed character who feels the burden of her birthright. Sulwyn’s flaws make her journey relatable; she doesn’t have all the answers and often questions her own decisions. This uncertainty is compounded by the legacy of her parents, which she feels compelled to confront. Her journey is not just about external battles but also an internal struggle to reconcile her identity with the expectations placed upon her. Her evolution into The Corrupted Prince further highlights these internal conflicts, showing a character who is constantly adapting and growing, despite her imperfections.

Embracing Her Sexuality

Sulwyn’s path is not just about leadership and power; it also delves into her personal life, specifically her sexuality. Unlike many stories where the heroine’s sexual journey is a focal point, Sulwyn’s experience is portrayed with a refreshing realism. She hasn’t had the time or opportunity to explore her desires due to the relentless demands of her destiny. This isn’t about fitting into a typical “virgin trope” but rather a genuine reflection of her circumstances. As she transitions from The Blood Princess to The Corrupted Prince, Sulwyn starts to allow herself to feel beyond her duty. She begins to explore her sexuality, understanding it as a part of her identity. This aspect of her character adds depth, making her more relatable and human. It’s a journey of self-discovery that many can empathize with, showing that even in a dark fantasy world, personal growth is a universal theme.

From Duty to Self-Discovery

Sulwyn’s journey is marked by a relentless sense of duty. In The Blood Princess, she is driven by the need to atone for her parents’ actions and fulfill the expectations of being a savior. However, this sense of obligation often overshadows her personal desires and growth. As we follow her into The Corrupted Prince, a significant shift occurs. Sulwyn starts questioning the rigid path laid out for her. She grapples with her identity, not just as a leader but as an individual with her own dreams and fears. This transition from duty to self-discovery is pivotal. It showcases her resilience and vulnerability, as she learns to balance her responsibilities with her own needs. This evolution makes Sulwyn a multidimensional character, reflecting the universal struggle of finding oneself amidst external pressures. Her journey emphasizes that true leadership involves understanding and embracing one’s own identity.

Q: Power dynamics play a crucial role in The Blood Princess. How do these dynamics shift in The Corrupted Prince, particularly for Sulwyn?

From Leader to Victim

In The Blood Princess, Sulwyn is thrust into a leadership role, burdened with the expectations of a savior. Her journey is marked by power struggles and the constant need to prove herself. However, the transition to The Corrupted Prince brings a dramatic shift in the power dynamics. Sulwyn finds herself at her lowest, not as a leader but as a victim. Stripped of her authority, she is confronted with the harsh realities of vulnerability and helplessness. This role reversal is crucial in her character development. It pushes her to rely on others and face situations beyond her control. Sulwyn’s experience as a victim allows her to gain a deeper understanding of power and its implications. It’s a humbling phase that adds layers to her character, making her resilience and eventual rise more compelling. This shift in dynamics underscores the theme that true strength often emerges from the depths of adversity.

Gaining and Losing Power

Sulwyn’s journey is a tumultuous ride through the highs and lows of power. In The Blood Princess, she begins by grappling with the weight of inherited power, unsure of her place and capability. As she steps into her role, she starts to gain confidence and control, learning the intricacies of leadership. However, The Corrupted Prince throws her into the depths of powerlessness, stripping away the authority she painstakingly built. This loss is not just a plot twist; it’s a profound moment of growth for Sulwyn. Experiencing both the attainment and loss of power teaches her invaluable lessons about its transient nature and true essence. She learns that power is not just about control but also about influence and resilience. Sulwyn’s ability to navigate these shifts defines her as a dynamic character, capable of rising from her lowest points and understanding the multifaceted nature of true leadership.

The Role of Vulnerability

Vulnerability plays a crucial role in Sulwyn’s journey through the shifting power dynamics. Initially, in The Blood Princess, vulnerability is perceived as a weakness that Sulwyn tries to hide. She believes that showing any sign of frailty could undermine her authority. However, as she transitions into The Corrupted Prince, her experiences strip away these defenses, forcing her to confront her vulnerabilities head-on. This exposure becomes a turning point for Sulwyn. It is in these moments of weakness that she discovers her true strength. Allowing herself to be vulnerable opens her up to deeper connections with those around her and gives her the courage to face her fears. This shift highlights that vulnerability is not the opposite of strength; rather, it is a vital component of it. Sulwyn’s journey teaches us that embracing our vulnerabilities can lead to profound personal growth and a more authentic form of leadership.

Q: Can you share the challenges you faced while evolving Sulwyn’s character across the series while keeping her relatable to the reader?

Keeping Sulwyn Relatable

One of the primary challenges in developing Sulwyn’s character is keeping her relatable to the readers. Even though she exists in a dark fantasy world filled with extraordinary circumstances, her emotions and reactions must resonate with real human experiences. Sulwyn faces vulnerability, nostalgia, fear, and heartbreak—emotions that readers can connect with. By grounding her reactions in genuine human experiences, her character remains accessible. Moreover, her flaws play a significant role in this relatability. Sulwyn is far from perfect; she makes mistakes, doubts herself, and grapples with her identity. These imperfections make her human and allow readers to see parts of themselves in her journey. The key is balancing her extraordinary circumstances with everyday emotions, ensuring that despite the fantastical elements, Sulwyn’s core experiences mirror those of the audience. This approach makes her a compelling and relatable character, drawing readers deeper into her story.

Balancing Strength and Vulnerability

Creating a character like Sulwyn involves a delicate balance between strength and vulnerability. On one hand, she needs to embody the qualities of a leader, demonstrating resilience, courage, and decisiveness. On the other hand, her vulnerabilities make her relatable and human. This balance is crucial for maintaining her depth and complexity. In The Blood Princess, Sulwyn’s strength is evident in her determination to fulfill her destiny despite her doubts. However, her vulnerability is equally highlighted through her internal struggles and fears. As her journey continues in The Corrupted Prince, this balance becomes even more pronounced. Sulwyn’s moments of weakness are not just setbacks; they are opportunities for growth. They reveal her inner strength and the resilience required to overcome adversity. By portraying both her strength and vulnerability, Sulwyn becomes a multidimensional character whose journey resonates deeply with readers, reflecting the complexities of real-life leadership and personal growth.

Navigating New Experiences

Sulwyn’s evolution is marked by her ability to navigate new experiences, a challenge that adds complexity to her character development. In The Blood Princess, she is thrust into unfamiliar roles and situations, often feeling out of her depth. These new experiences test her resolve and adaptability, forcing her to learn and grow. Transitioning into The Corrupted Prince, Sulwyn faces even more daunting challenges. She encounters scenarios that push her to the brink, demanding a higher level of resilience and ingenuity. This constant navigation through uncharted territory keeps her character dynamic and engaging. Each new experience serves as a catalyst for growth, shaping her into a more nuanced and layered character. Sulwyn’s ability to adapt and learn from these experiences underscores her journey from naivety to wisdom, making her a relatable figure for readers who have faced their own life-altering challenges. This aspect of her character development highlights the importance of embracing change and learning from adversity.