Grendel Press

What is GP-Direct?

GP-Direct is an online marketplace designed specifically for authors to sell their digital short stories directly to readers. GP-Direct provides a seamless platform where authors can showcase their works, manage their stores, and connect with a growing audience aimed at dark fantasy, horror, and dark romance.

With user-friendly tools for uploading and managing content, clear content guidelines, and community reporting to ensure quality and appropriateness, GP-Direct aims to revolutionize the way literature is shared and enjoyed.

Authors retain control over their content and pricing while benefiting from a supportive community, curated readership, and professional review process to help them succeed in the digital marketplace.

Why Join GP-Direct?

Empower Your Creativity

GP-Direct offers a unique platform for authors to showcase their digital short stories. Whether you’re an established writer or just starting out, our marketplace provides the tools and opportunity to let your stories earn money instead of collect dust.

Benefits of Joining GP-Direct

  • Growing Audience: Reach readers from all over the world who are eager to dive into our curated genres.
  • High Commissions: Authors earn a 70% commission on every sale, ensuring you get rewarded for your hard work. See your sales in real time.
  • Complete Control: You have full control over what you upload, how you price your stories, and how you manage your store.
  • Put your reprints to work: If you can sell your first rights for publication, you should. But once your exclusivity contract clears, upload them to GP-Direct while you shop around your next destination. It costs you nothing but time.
  • Create your own Collections: Build your own collections or serialize your content. As soon as you upload two or more stories, you can start bundling them together.
  • Community Review: Our team reviews each story to ensure it meets our guidelines, and readers are encouraged to use our reporting feature to help maintain a high standard across the marketplace.

Easy Steps to Get Started

  1. Register as an Author: Sign up with your personal details and verify your email to activate your account. (Tutorial)
  2. Complete Your Profile: Fill out your author profile, including your bio, payment details, and a profile picture. (Tutorial)
  3. Set Up Your Store: Customize your store with your pen name, store description, and banner image. (Tutorial)
  4. Create your Cover: Use our quick Canva cover template to properly size or create your cover for our store. (Tutorial)
  5. Upload Your Stories: Add new stories, set prices, and upload cover images. Ensure your content meets our guidelines. (Tutorial)
  6. Submit for Review: Our team will review your submission to ensure it meets our standards before publishing it on the marketplace.

Guidelines for Submission

  • Content Standards: No illegal content or full nudity on cover images.
  • Original Works: Ensure you have the correct rights to sell your stories. Reprints are allowed as long as you hold the rights.
  • Relevant to our Audience:Each work should contain elements of dark fantasy, horror, or dark romance.
  • Ongoing Quality Assurance: Each story undergoes a review process to ensure it aligns with our quality guidelines and community standards.

Support and Community

  • Dedicated Support: Join our Discord community to learn more and ask questions in real-time or email at any time.
  • Community Engagement: Join a community of fellow authors and readers, participate in discussions, and gain valuable insights.

Get Started Today

Joining GP-Direct is easy and rewarding. Sign up today to start sharing your stories with a growing audience, earn commissions, and become a part of a thriving community of authors. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help.

Our Tutorials Playlist

Beta Testing on GP-Direct

Beta testing on GP-Direct is an essential phase where selected authors and readers are invited to use and evaluate our platform before its official launch. This process helps us identify any bugs, improve features, and enhance the overall user experience for our community. As a beta tester, your role is crucial in providing real-world feedback and insights. Small changes may be made, but your commissions are your own and are fully functional at this time. Should you run into any issues, please email us at and describe what’s happening.

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please report them using our feedback form or email. Be sure to include detailed information about the problem, steps to reproduce it, and any relevant screenshots. Your contributions are invaluable in helping us refine GP-Direct and ensure it meets the highest standards for all users.

© Grendel Press 2024. All Rights Reserved.