Grendel Press is excited to welcome Micah Castle, a talented author known for his contributions to the realms of weird fiction and horror. With his upcoming novella, “The Women Without Eyes,” Castle takes us on a harrowing journey into the depths of crime and the supernatural.

Micah‘s stories have appeared in various magazines, websites, and anthologies, and he’s the author of The World He Once Knew (Fedowar Press) and Reconstructing a Relationship (D&T Publishing).

While away from the keyboard, he enjoys spending time with his wife, playing with his animals, spending hours in the woods, and can typically be found reading a book somewhere in his Pennsylvania home.

“The Women Without Eyes” is a fast-paced horror crime novella that intricately weaves the lives of Detective Wolfe, a detective struggling to balance his demanding job with his responsibilities as a husband and father, who finds himself increasingly consumed by the case, and William Acerieas, a man torn between the expectations of his family and the dark destiny he was born into, who faces a crisis of identity and purpose.

Castle’s narrative skill invites readers to experience the story through the perspectives of both the detective and the killer, revealing the complexities and motivations driving each character.

We invite our audience to delve into the haunting world of “The Women Without Eyes.” It’s a journey that promises to be as unsettling as it is enlightening, where the darkness of the human soul meets the unfathomable mysteries of the universe.