Submit Your Work
Choose Submission Type
Submission Guidelines
Grendel Press is accepting novel submissions that fit into our chosen genres of Dark Fantasy, Horror, and Romance. We accept queries for completed manuscripts only. Please do not submit a work in progress.
Word Count Requirements
We accept novellas and novels from 25,000 to 120,000 words.
Response Time
Please allow up to 16 weeks for a reply. Our staff works with anthology submissions too, so time is precious. We'll do our best to respond sooner. If you haven't heard from us after 16 weeks, feel free to send a friendly follow-up.
Contract Types
Traditional Contract
Includes advance payment based on word count, plus editing, cover design, typesetting, and marketing at no cost.
Advance Rates:
Initial Royalties (First 2,500 Sold):
Increased Royalties (2,500+ Sold):
Royalty Forward Contract
No advance payment, but includes editing, cover design, typesetting, and marketing at no cost. Royalties start immediately and are paid every 60 days.
Initial Royalties (First 2,500 Sold):
Increased Royalties (2,500+ Sold):
What We're Looking For
Dark Fantasy
- Anti-Heroes as Main Characters
- Dark Worlds
- Battling Inner Demons
- Grimdark
We are open to most horror submissions, with focus on psychological depth over shock value.
Dark Romance
- Dark Fairy Tales
- Enemies to Lovers
- Strong Emotions
- High Stakes
What We Don't Accept
- Fan fiction or anything that may cause copyright issues
- Content promoting intolerance of any kind
- Gratuitous gore and violence with no purpose
- Stories that glorify, minimize, or inaccurately represent abuse or assault
Manuscript Format
- 12 pt. Times New Roman font, normal margins
- 1.5 or double-spaced
- Scene breaks indicated with three stars (***)
- Microsoft Word format (.doc, .docx)
- File name format: Title of Story_Author's Full Name